
The Purpose Driven Life

Dear Friends, I went for an eye test a few weeks ago and learned that it was time for new spectacles. I had known for a while that it was time to go for a check-up because the small print had become too small to read. Why is it that something important enough to have to be there by law is so hard to read?

Anyway, when I went back to collect them, I bumped into a friend from the church. “Small world”, I thought to myself, perhaps I said it too. Was it a coincidence that we both happened to be there at the same time, or did God intend us to meet for a reason?

At the supermarket one day, an elderly lady was waiting for a taxi or Uber. The rain was pouring and as it arrived, she was faced with the prospect of walking the distance from her sheltered spot to the vehicle. The driver never moved an inch. Fortunately, my umbrella was to hand, and I pulled it from the kart and offered her some protection to the car. She remarked, “Chivalry is not dead!” I did not respond, but in hindsight, my reply would say, “It was not chivalry, madam, but faith that made me do what I did.” And that is why I know that my being there was no coincidence.

Taking a sneak preview of our book group’s next upcoming book, “The Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren, I saw the age old question,


It’s a challenging and engaging question. I’ve always believed that I was here for a reason. How about you? I wonder what we will make of it. To find out, get a hold of the book and join us in conversation. Even if you can’t make it to a meeting in person or virtually, read along with us. If you need me to get you a copy, let me know or ask at the church office. Dates and times in late September (to be confirmed).

Pastor Cliff
