
Watch and Prepare

Dear Friends

It’s Advent and we are counting down the days – to Christ’s return to reign in glory of His birth in Bethlehem. Which will be first? It’s time to prepare to meet your Maker either way!

As with Lent, the season of Advent is for penance and preparation. And the proximity in the calendar of His anticipated return to reign and His birth in Bethlehem suggest we prepare for both.

The abundance of kingdom parables leading to Advent also keeps the day of judgement in focus. But, too often, we conveniently move on from this towards the less uncomfortable prospect of a baby born in a stable.

And yet, the Infant Jesus, though seemingly harmless, was no less intimidating than the returning Christ. Mary’s song, known as the Magnificat, prophesied that her unborn child, the Messiah, would overturn the social order, lifting up the weak and bringing down the powerful. Awareness of this threat was keenly felt by none other than King Herod but later experienced by the religious elite.

There’s a lot to anticipate and for which to prepare. So, be alert, watch out and be ready, for we know not the day nor the hour when Christ shall return. And while practicing the readiness of the watching ones, we can prepare for the celebration of Christ’s birth with all the excitement and celebration the season holds.

Pastor Cliff
