
Great is Thy Faithfulness

Dear Friends,

“Life is difficult.”


That is how M. Scott Peck begins his book ‘The Road Less Travelled’. He explains how helpful it is to acknowledge this truth but also that it does not help for us, to whine or moan about our problems, at least to other people. We need discipline to help us confront whatever our issues may be. However, there is one person with whom we can share all our troubles, and in whom we can find encouragement. That person is God, Himself. We can pour our hearts out to God and God will listen without judging or rejecting us. But we need to listen too.


There are various examples in scripture of people who came to God with their problems. King David was not without a problem or two and in the book of Psalms, he honestly shares his struggles with God. His lack of sleep and his tear-soaked pillow, and his weary eyes, sore with weeping. Job had his fair share of problems, as did Jospeh, Moses, Samuel and Jeremiah to name but a few. The book of Lamentations is attributed to Jeremiah or some later author. It was written to lament Israel’s captivity into exile in Babylon. And, for anyone who is overwhelmed by their problems, I urge you to turn always to the pages of this book, chapter 3:22-23.


22Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,

  for his compassions never fail.

23They are new every morning;

  great is your faithfulness.” (New International Version, Biblegateway)


Many days, we fall into bed exhausted, just needing a good night’s sleep, especially during the extreme heat. Some of us who have air conditioning, or at least a fan, are fortunate. However, I was so grateful for the cooler temperatures last night which allowed us some respite and the chance to turn off the A.C. and open the windows for fresh air instead.


The bonus in the morning, is the dawn chorus. Whilst not everyone’s cup of tea, I love it! Instead of a noisy alarm clock’s violent awakening, the birdsong gently begins outside the open window and too if too tired to appreciate it, I drift off back to sleep. However, often, the blend of birdsong provides an essential, soothing antidote to the noise of humanity that has not yet begun its onslaught.


If you are able to wake before the sunrise, it is a wonderful thing to walk up a hill and see the sun come up over the horizon. The exhilaration of blood coursing through your veins from some gentle exercise is just the thing to invigorate you before witnessing the new day begin in all its glory. But, as Harry Lauder used to sing, “It’s good to get up in the morning, but it’s nicer to lie in bed.”


Whichever you prefer, God will give you what you need, according to your need.


The hymn, written by Edith McNeill which paraphrases those verses from Lamentations chapter 3, goes:

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases

His mercies never come to an end.

They are new every morning, new every morning,

Great is thy faithfulness, O Lord, Great is thy faithfulness.”

(Glory to God #59, Westminster John Knox Press)

Pastor Cliff
