
Keep Your Eyes Upon Jesus

Dear Friends,

Most of the tornadoes and hurricanes which are reported on are the ones which strike the USA mainland followed by the heroic efforts of communities to rebuild and recover. The resilience and stamina of people to begin again after such devastation is remarkable and something to be admired and emulated.


Last week, category 4 Hurricane Beryl, ripped through the Windward Islands amongst which lies St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The worst devastation was on some of the smaller islands although the main ones were still badly affected.


Despite the damage and the obvious preoccupation with being part of the salvage operation, the carnival season has proceeded with all its joyful color. This week, parades and dancing filled the streets which last week were strewn with assorted debris. The faith of our island neighbors is as vibrant as their carnivals, and it is this which gives them their abundant optimism, hope and unquenchable spirit.


The islands’ economies are built mostly on agriculture and tourism, so both will suffer. But the expat community which is dispersed around the world is faithful in supporting its roots. Our own family has links to Vincy Cares, which is a charity based here in the Northeast USA and Canada where many have settled. Even before this recent event, it was involved in supporting the schools, health care and communities of the SVG islands.


Normally, except for Sandy and Irene, we do not feel the full force of hurricanes like Beryl except for a tail end storm, but this one has been forecast to become a tornado which is headed to the Northeast. But, as always, we wait and see what will come our way.


Provided we keep our eyes upon Jesus, and place our trust in Him instead of material things, no matter what storm life throws at us, our Lord will help us through.

Pastor Cliff
