
What Mission Does God Call You To?

Dear Friends,

When Jesus called His disciples to follow Him and set out on their adventure of discipleship, all they knew was that this teacher was changing and had the power to change their lives forever. They had heard His teaching, experienced and seen His miracles, got up and followed Him and after that first step, their lives would never be the same again.



You may remember your inaugural family camping trip, your first expedition as a boy or girl scout, your first VBS or church mission trip such as ASP. Whatever it was, you may have had a little fear or anxiety, perhaps some anticipation or expectations and to a limited degree an idea of what might have lain ahead. But, for most of us, when going to a new place or event, our pre-conceptions and expectations are very different from the actual experience which awaits us and for the most part wonderful memories are made.


What is always amazing is that our expectations are no match for real-life encounters. It all depends on how open we are to what awaits us and our readiness to embrace whatever might be new or strange, even if it is outside our comfort zone. In fact, the stranger the better.


I remember my first VBS (or Summer Mission as it was called in Scotland), my first Scout expedition and my first Military deployment and my first Church conference. All of them had a massive, life-changing impact on me and caused growth in ways I could never have imagined. Most of these changes were probably developmental, spiritual or mental, helping me to overcome my fears and insecurities and influencing my outlook and how I saw the world.


This time, as three of us embark on this year’s ASP, two newbies and one veteran, I am aware of the need to keep an open mind, ready to make myself useful in whatever way God needs me to help.


Whatever mission God may be calling you towards, I hope and pray that you will say ‘yes’ and know the blessing that it brings and in some way, big or small, never be the same again.


Pastor Cliff
