
God is present. Are you?

Dear Friends, In the rush to get on to the next thing, we are often so distracted that we fail to be present with the people and tasks right in front of us. Not only do we deprive ourselves of being in the moment, but we often present a version...

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Reflection and Prayer

Dear Friends, Before another long hot summer gets under way, there is some essential business that needs our attention! Last week, this week and weeks to come are devoted to school concerts, moving up and graduation ceremonies. These rites of passage help those involved to conclude a chapter of their...

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The Holy Spirit

Dear Friends, During the season of Pentecost our thoughts turn to God in the person of the Holy Spirit. The triune God through whom the world was made, sent Jesus to save us from sin and sends His Holy Spirit to remain with us as His continuing presence in the...

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Like a Tree by the Water

Dear Friends,The Psalms are a great source of encouragement.Psalm 1 begins:“Blessed is the one   who does not walk in step with the wickedor stand in the way that sinners take   or sit in the company of mockers,2 but whose delight is in the law of the LORD,   and who meditates on...

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Got Bears, Get Bungees

Dear Friends,   Great excitement visited our breakfast table this morning, not because of what was in the children’s bowls, instead, it was the mess strewn garden that lay outside our kitchen window. The lawn had served as our local bear’s dining table and his grocery store was our trash...

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“Everyday With Jesus”

Dear Friends,  “When the writer Charles Kingsley was asked the secret of his life, referring to the theologian and Christian Socialist F. D. Maurice he said, ‘I had a friend.’ The contact with loveliness made him lovely.” 1   Is there someone in your life whom you can look upon as...

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Good Shepherds

Dear Friends,  As I gaze out of my parent’s window upon the calming water of Loch Fyne, the endless waves which travel up the length of the loch toward me, remind me of the relentless power of Creation rippling across our planet and through our lives. A new day revolves...

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He Is Risen

Dear Friends, Walking through Holy Week with Jesus for me is helpful if amid the busyness of it all we slow down, do less and realize that this is the holiest time of our Christian calendar. This is why it is called Holy Week because it is set apart for...

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Dear Friends, Imagination is a wonderful gift. This week, the Scholastic Book Fair has come again to our children’s school, and it is thrilling to be part of nurturing their excitement for reading and the world of wonder that awaits us in the written word. As we read about Jesus’...

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St. Patrick

Dear Friends Every year, we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day on March 17 th , the date of his death atthe age of 75. Patrick grew up in Roman Britain in the 4 th Century, kidnapped byIrish raiders and enslaved until the age of 16. He escaped back to Britain andbecame...

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