
Good Shepherds

Dear Friends,  As I gaze out of my parent’s window upon the calming water of Loch Fyne, the endless waves which travel up the length of the loch toward me, remind me of the relentless power of Creation rippling across our planet and through our lives. A new day revolves...

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He Is Risen

Dear Friends, Walking through Holy Week with Jesus for me is helpful if amid the busyness of it all we slow down, do less and realize that this is the holiest time of our Christian calendar. This is why it is called Holy Week because it is set apart for...

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Dear Friends, Imagination is a wonderful gift. This week, the Scholastic Book Fair has come again to our children’s school, and it is thrilling to be part of nurturing their excitement for reading and the world of wonder that awaits us in the written word. As we read about Jesus’...

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St. Patrick

Dear Friends Every year, we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day on March 17 th , the date of his death atthe age of 75. Patrick grew up in Roman Britain in the 4 th Century, kidnapped byIrish raiders and enslaved until the age of 16. He escaped back to Britain andbecame...

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Adventures in Faith

Dear Friends,   Bashed, bruised, broken but unbowed, the Youth Group and their brave leaders endured the experience, which some call ice skating. The best skaters go on to play ice hockey, do speed skating or dance. And then there are the rest of us who range from very good...

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Table of Grace

Dear Friends,   Every now and then, some of us will get the wedding photo album out and remember that momentous day. Perhaps we’ll reminisce together or show it to a visitor. Everyone might have a favorite picture of course. The candid shot of bride and groom is mine. But...

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‘God of Surprises’

Dear Friends, Do you ever wake up thinking of a friend you’ve not seen for a while? That’s what happened to me this morning. His name is Inderpal Chopra Singh, he lives in Colorado Springs. We first met in Edinburgh when he was studying computer science, and I was working...

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How Can God Be Seen in You?

Read: Isaiah Isaiah 58:1-12, Psalm 103:8-14, Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21   Dear Friends,   It’s the beginning of Lent and as always, these dates like Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras), Ash Wednesday, Holy Week and Easter, move around and often take us by surprise. I include the readings for last night’s Ash Wednesday...

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Good News

Dear Friends, In the late 1990s, I had the privilege of serving as a chaplain in the British army. One of the nicer duties some soldiers pulled was called a KAPE tour. ‘KAPE’ was the acronym for Keeping the Army in the Public Eye. Sadly, for many churches, it is...

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Dear Friends, Once the children are in their pajamas and the teeth have been brushed, we settle down on the floor for the bedtime stories. Each one can choose a book and provided I am not too tired, we read until all are done. Sometimes, I may begin to nod...

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