
Make God Smile

“Every activity can be transformed into an act of worship when you do it for the glory of God.” Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life Dear Friends, Coming across these words immediately reminded me of Chariots of Fire, the movie about Eric Liddell, Scottish athlete, and missionary. Eric was questioning...

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Giving is a Joy

Dear Friends Do you remember your first pay packet? I use that term deliberately because mine was cash and came in a small, brown, square envelope. Regardless of how they came; cash, check or bank transfer, all wages were a pleasant surprise, as if payment was a gift and the...

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Take this Moment

“Take this moment, sign and space; take my friends around; here among us make the place where your love is found.”                                                          ...

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Who is my neighbor?

Dear Friends “Who is my neighbor?” This is a question everyone should ask? It’s what the rich young ruler asked Jesus in Luke Chapter 10. And in response, Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan. A few weeks ago, my family and I were neighbors in need, tomorrow it will...

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Back to Routine

Dear Friends Back to school! Too soon for some, not soon enough for others. But as we return, we bring with us experience and memories from the summer break with family, friends, and camps and wherever we have spent the time since we last met.   Our vacation was in...

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