
It’s Still Christmas

Merry Christmas Friends, “Did you have a good Christmas?” I heard someone ask. But, it is still Christmas all the way up to January 6th which is when we celebrate the visit of the Wise Men at what the church calls Epiphany. Cast your minds back to the anticipation and...

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Keep It Simple

Do you feel stretched in too many directions at Christmas. It’s understandable withall the demands placed upon us. The list of pressures seems endless, from whichhalf of the family to visit and where to be, then there is time and finance andbeyond. And yet, the message of Christmas could not...

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The Power of Storytelling

Dear Friends I’ve just finished watching the Fun ‘n’ Friends pageant video composed of images, music and a narrative telling the story of the birth of Christ Jesus our Lord. A wonderful telling of the Christmas story we celebrate every year. Thank you, Fun ‘n’ Friends, great job! This week...

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Be Prepared!

Dear Friends The motto of the Scout movement when I was a boy was “Be Prepared”.   No doubt Baden-Powell had learned the importance of preparedness in the army. The modern soldiers are taught “Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.” And that is probably how it came into scouting.   John...

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Watch and Prepare

Dear Friends It’s Advent and we are counting down the days – to Christ’s return to reign in glory of His birth in Bethlehem. Which will be first? It’s time to prepare to meet your Maker either way! As with Lent, the season of Advent is for penance and preparation....

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Preparing for Advent

Dear Friends I wonder if you have a favorite Advent and Christmas hymns or carols. Perhaps there is more than one. Please tell us by adding it to the list in the vestibule. This way, we will try to make the season of Advent a special one for you.  ...

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Gather Us In

The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her...

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Grateful and Blessed

Dear Friends, Today, I celebrate 61 glorious years on this earth.   Thank you to everyone for your good wishes on this happy day.   On our living room wall is a stenciled word picture which I had the opportunity to make at a painting workshop. It reads, “Grateful and...

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Fighting the Good Fight

Do you remember your first experience of feeling that you belonged? Our earliest memories may be our familial bonds with parents and siblings, also to a wider family and then pre-school and school itself. At school, we always wore a uniform and as we moved up into High School the...

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The costumes for Hallowe’en were purchased long ago to avoid the stress and disappointment of the last-minute rush. Thankfully, I claim no credit or responsibility for this decision. However, it was fun to see the first trying on session and to know that we are prepared. Hallowe’en is already being...

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